Dahi Studio is a consulting services group providing leading-edge solutions to the industry’s most challenging projects. Our clients include architects, engineers, contractors, and owners working across the globe. Dahi’s skillful, passionate and creative team members, develop ideas and present appropriate solutions to the clients’ unique professional ambitions in an innovative environment.
There is no boundary to designers’ imaginations yet they can only opt for ideas they can draw and they can present what they can visualize. When human abilities alone do not suffice, the overwhelming processing power of computers come to their aid. Computers provide us with limitless possibilities that were only imaginary before. Taking advantage of what digital devices have to offer, we can now accomplish tasks on large scale, with high precision, in no time.
Adib Exchange
Cloaked In Brick
What good will it be our ideas if we are not able to share them? Talking through Images have always been and continue to be the most common way of communication amongst designers and artists. The best way of sharing our thoughts and concepts is to visualize them in a coherent way. Knowing the grammar of this visual language is essential for the progression of the design process. Properly visualized ideas will pave the way for both the clients and artists to understand each other’s needs perfectly.
Gaining knowledge and experiences and sharing them in a collaborative way is the core concept of our teachings. In our workshops, everyone can achieve something beyond their expectations through contemplation, cooperation, and trial and error. In our architectural software courses, we teach practical methods of algorithmic design, 3D modeling and visual presentation principles, with this in mind that the learning process is cumulative and needs lots of patience and practice.
Hinge Paneling
Ply House
Responsive Facade
To extend architects and engineers capabilities in computer-aided design and manufacture, Dahi Studio established their fabrication laboratory "Digital Craft House" in the University of Art, Karaj campus. Provided with Robotic Arm, CNC Milling Machine, Laser Cutter, 3D Printers as well as common crafting tools, this workshop allows everyone to experience new ideas, fine-tune their design, and create excellent prototypes.
Through research, we explore the endless realm of science and technology to further improve art and architecture. The knowledge obtained through this careful study will lead us to develop new ideas and achieve novel approaches to design and construction. The thirst for knowledge gives us enough strength to overcome any obstacle along the way. We don’t know where these new paths lead us but the journey itself is all that matters.
For those who have enough courage to question the conventional ways in which their products are manufactured, there is always an appropriate answer, a way to raise their product's quality to a higher level. Thinking out of the box will reveal extraordinary options to us, options we never knew ever existed. Designing new products innovatively usually may seem impossible, but with passion and persistence we can prove otherwise.
Plate, Cup, ...
Chair, Table, Stool, ...
Holders, USB Dongle, ...
Topography, Maquette, ...
Even though each of us has his/her own unique talents and traits, we have something important in common; We believe that the path to advancement is through innovation and persistence. We constantly explore for the perfect solutions, not for the most convenient ones. Whether it be research, design, visualization, and construction of architecture or manufacturing of delicate products, you can count on us. Proficient in computer-aided design and manufacturing devices, we embrace all challenges we may face along the way to achieve our goals.
Ramtin Haghnazar
PhD Candidate in Architectural Technology
University of Tehran
Arman FatheJalali
PhD in Urban Planning
Technical University of Berlin
Danial Keramat
Master of Architectural Technology
University of Tehran
Mehran Masoudi
Master of Architecture
University of Tehran
Hooman Emami
Master of Construction Management
University of Torronto
Yasaman Ashja'Zade
Master of Architecture
University of Tehran
Javad AllahGholi
Master of Architectural Technology
University of Tehran
Ehsan FatehiFar
Master of Architectural Technology
University of Tehran
Hanie Omid
Master of Digital Architecture
Pars University of Tehran
Ali DerazGisoo
PhD Candidate in Architecture
Art University of Isfahan
Mostafa Karbasi
Bachelor of Architecture
University of Tehran
Mona Lavasani
Master of Architectural Technology
University of Tehran
Alireza Fazel
PhD Candidate in Architecture
University of Art
Dorsa Seyedi
Bachelor of Architecture
University of Tehran
MohammadHossein Karimian
Bachelor of Architecture
University of Tehran
Neda Rafi'Zade
Bachelor of Architecture
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Shakiba Shekarkhand
Master of Architectural Technology
Shahid Beheshti University
Alireza Mohammadi
Master of Digital Architecture
University of Tehran
Aysan Jafarzadeh
Bachelor of Architecture
University of Tehran
To Reach us please the E-mail address provided below. Based on your request or the nature of your problem you may be referred to our partners.
Email: info@dahistudio.com
Tehran Office: No.72, Jamalzadeh, Ghadr, District 6, Tehran, Iran